Full name:
Name | Type | Since | Description |
emailContentFile | File | 1.0.3 | The Velocity template used to format the email announcement. User property is: helper.emailContentFile. |
emailTitle | String | 1.0.3 | The title of the email to send. User property is: helper.emailTitle. |
mailContentType | String | 1.0.3 | Mail content type to use. Default value is: text/plain. |
smtpHost | String | 1.0.3 | Smtp Server. User property is: helper.smtpHost. |
smtpPort | int | 1.0.3 | Port. Default value is: 25. User property is: helper.smtpPort. |
toAddresses | List | 1.0.3 | Recipient email address. |
Name | Type | Since | Description |
dryRun | boolean | 1.0.3 | A flag to test plugin but send nothing to redmine. Default value is: false. User property is: dryRun. |
encoding | String | 1.0.3 | The encoding used to read and write files. Default value is: ${project.build.sourceEncoding}. User property is: helper.encoding. |
fromDeveloperId | String | 1.0.3 | The id of the developer sending the announcement mail. Only used if
the mailSender attribute is not set. In this case, this
should match the id of one of the developers in the pom. If a
matching developer is not found, then the first developer in the
pom will be used. User property is: helper.fromDeveloperId. |
mailSender | MailSender | 1.0.3 | Defines the sender of the announcement if the list of developer is
empty or if the sender is not a member of the development team. User property is: helper.mailSender. |
password | String | 1.0.3 | The password used to send the email. User property is: helper.password. |
runOnce | boolean | 1.0.3 | A flag to restirct only one run in a build (for multi-module
context). Default value is: true. User property is: helper.runOnce. |
runOnlyOnRoot | boolean | 2.1 | A flag to restrict only to run on root module. Default value is: true. User property is: helper.runOnlyOnRoot. |
skipSendEmail | boolean | 1.0.3 | A flag to skip the goal. Default value is: false. User property is: helper.skipSendEmail. |
sslMode | boolean | 1.0.3 | If the email should be sent in SSL mode. Default value is: false. User property is: helper.sslMode. |
username | String | 1.0.3 | The username used to send the email. User property is: helper.username. |
verbose | boolean | 1.0.3 | Un flag pour activer le mode verbeux. Default value is: ${maven.verbose}. User property is: helper.verbose. |